eye (gaze) in the Katha Upanishad

Frits Staal jfstaal at SOCRATES.BERKELEY.EDU
Tue Feb 5 23:25:15 UTC 2002

The verse is the first of Valli 4. The first half is a general statement
but the second uses kascit and aiksat so refers to a past event affecting a
particular person (i.e., Naciketas); but I cannot answer your other question.

At 02:31 PM 2/5/02 -0700, you wrote:
>"...the faults of the eye organ are defined as the eye's attachment to
>forms. The eye runs after the forms in the external world.....
>The Katha Upanisad says, "The self existent  pierced   the senses
>outward and so one looks outward and not within oneself. However a wise
>man, seeking immortality and turning his eyes inward, sees the inner Self"
>(paranci khani vyatrnat svayambhustasmat  paran pasyati
>Is there anything in this verse which equates which the exposition above the
>quotation about the "faults of the eye organ"?
>I recently found this on some website and ask the list folks if they would
>kindly tell me chapter and verse from the Katha Up. which I don't have--they
>might have it at the local state U library, but if someone here knows this
>one, it probably would save me a parking ticket on that campus :-)
>Thanks for any help with this. Joanna Kirkpatrick
Frits Staal


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