International Conference on Indic Religions: Follow-Up Announcements

Christian Lee Novetzke cln at SAS.UPENN.EDU
Wed Dec 18 16:02:06 UTC 2002


I am distributing these announcements on behalf of Madhu Kishwar.  Please
respond to her directly.




International Conference on Indic Religions:  Follow-Up Announcements
Please Distribute

I.      Network of Scholars of Indic Religions
On 22nd December 2003, soon after the conclusion of the Conference on Indic
Religions, we will convene a special meeting to work towards the formation
of a formal Network of Scholars of Indic Religions. Those interested in
joining this meeting are requested to let us know of their interest at an
early date.
Membership fee for founder members:
South Asia: Rs. 500
Rest: $125

II.     Lowering Registration Fee
Several scholars from abroad have written to say that the registration fee
for the December 2003 Conference on Indic Religions is excessive and may
inhibit participation, particularly from countries outside Europe and
America. We had earlier followed the IAHR practice of charging a
registration fee of US $125. We are committed to doing whatever possible to
see that for those who find even the below mentioned fee unaffordable, no
scholar genuinely interested in participating in the conference is
inhibited from doing so on account of money problems. Accordingly, we have
decided on the following structure of the fees:
Foreign Participants

Rs.100                                                             Student: $25
Early -
Early: $ 50
Late -
Late: $75
Note: The Committee would consider reducing or waiving the fee altogether.

III.    Travel support
Many scholars keen to participate in the conference on Indic Religions with
proposals for organising panels and presenting papers have written to say
that they may not be able to raise institutional travel grants. The means
at our disposal are limited but we have decided to try raising additional
resources so that we may be able to provide some funding to meet travel
costs of those scholars with substantial proposals in case they are unable
to raise institutional funds.


Madhu Kishwar

Email: madhukishwar at

Christian Lee Novetzke
Assistant Professor of South Asia Studies
University of Pennsylvania
820 Williams Hall
36th and Spruce Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305, USA

Email: cln at

Number in India:  9818048892

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