ConTeXt support for UTF-8 Roman Translit and Nagari

Richard Mahoney rbm49 at EXT.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ
Sat Dec 7 22:58:40 UTC 2002

Dear All,

I am not sure how many subscribers to INDOLOGY use ConTeXt, although
it seems that a number use TeX and LaTeX. It seems to me that ConTeXt
may be useful, especially if it can be successfully configured to
support UTF-8 encodings for Skt. in Roman translit. and Nagari. Over
the past two weeks progress has been made in this direction. These
developments can be followed through the ConTeXt mailing list:

Of note is a recent posting from Hans Hagen:


 Richard Mahoney

Richard Mahoney    |  E-mail: rbm49 at
78 Jeffreys Road   |          r.mahoney at
Fendalton          |  Telephone: 0064-3-351-5831
CHRISTCHURCH 8005  |  Cellular: 0064-25-829-986
NEW ZEALAND        |

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