Fwd: Bamiyan, Ayodhya and Abuse of History

Aditya, the Cheerful HIndu Skeptic aditya2 at MEDIAONE.NET
Mon Mar 12 15:07:31 UTC 2001

Even  though this topic has been closed by the list owner "L. Suresh
Kumar-LSK" <lskumar at SYMPATICO.CA> has written as follows:

>If  that  is how the events  in Afghanistan have played out, then
>comparing the shelling of the Buddha statues to the demolition of
>Babri  Masjid  would  be  quite  in  order,  even  setting  aside
>arguments   such  as   that   neither  the   antiquity  nor   the
>artistic/archaeological  significance  of babri Masjid is a tenth
>of that of Bamiyan statues.
By his own argument if the artistic significance of Babri masjid was so
trivial, what was the need to demolish it other than to attract world wide
attention? In this sense both are the outcome of the same desire.

>Is it that this logic is lost on Marxists? Certainly not.
You are just a faithful follower of Hitler who called his opponents marxists
but signed a secret treaty with Stalin.

Yours sincerely,
Aditya Mishra
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        Never make anything simple and efficient when a way can be found to make it complex and wonderful.

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