SV: Workshop on Islamicate Culture in South Asia

Swaminathan Madhuresan smadhuresan at YAHOO.COM
Mon Mar 12 14:42:15 UTC 2001

It was M.G.S. Hodgson who in 1970 coined this term:
"by the sixteenth century, most of the East Christian, Hindu,
and Theravada Buddhist peoples found themselves more or less
enclaved in an Islamicate world where Muslim standards of taste
commonly made their way even into independent kingdoms,
like Hindu Vijayanagar or Norman Sicily."
(p.120, Hodgson, Rethinking world history: essays on
Europe, Islam and World history, Edited by
E. Burke III, Cambridge Univ. Press)

Because you are interested in Hindu, Hindutva, Islamicate
culture of North India, this will be interesting:
P. B. Wagoner, "Sultan among Hindu Kings", J. Asian Studies,
55, 4, 1996: 851-880.


--- Lars Martin Fosse <lmfosse at ONLINE.NO> wrote:
> Dominik Wujastyk [SMTP:ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK] skrev 12. mars 2001 13:11:
> > The North Carolina Center for South Asia Studies and the
> > Triangle South Asia Consortium announce:
> > The First Workshop on Islamicate Culture in South Asia:
> May I ask a stupid question? What is the difference between "Islamic" and
> "Islamicate"?
> Lars Martin Fosse
> Dr. art. Lars Martin Fosse
> Haugerudvn. 76, Leil. 114,
> 0674 Oslo
> Norway
> Phone: +47 22 32 12 19
> Mobile phone: +47 90 91 91 45
> Fax 1:  +47 22 32 12 19
> Fax 2:  +47 85 02 12 50 (InFax)
> Email: lmfosse at

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