
Joshi Rasik jrasik at COLMEX.MX
Mon Mar 5 15:09:06 UTC 2001

Kindly send an invitation.
Rasik Vihari Joshi
Professor of Sanskri and Philosophy

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Radha-Govinda Mandir [mailto:govinda at MCSA.NET.MX]
Enviado el: Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2001 07:47 a.m.
Asunto: Invation

My dear Sirs:
Namaste to all you. Now we are invitating to every indolgist and Indian's
literature students and fans, of Spanish language, for participe in the next
Forum about Letras y Filsofía de la Cultura Hindú. It will be spread by
scholars and students of Latinamerica and other countrys of this speak. If
you know somebody that want to participe in this pleased re-send the
invitation. Only given your answer this letter with your name and school and
wait for more information.
Horacio Fco. Arganis Juarez
> From U A de C.

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