Missing the Point of the Many Masks [was: dvija varNa]

Bhadraiah Mallampalli vaidix at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 1 18:52:15 UTC 2001

Bob Peck wrote..
>As an example, Matthew 6:6 becomes an Eastern sadhana on the power in >the
>lower ‘heart’ or gut.

Matthew 6.6 works on the gut, but I think it is not direct. It first prompts
us to get into our shells and be what we really are, then springs a surprise
by offering the whole wide world; typical of Jesus overflowing with
leadership. It is like indra who liberates the intellect (sEndra yoniH
yatrAsou kezAnto vivartate vyapohya zIrSa kapAle.. Tai.U.), generating
udAna, which indirectly hits other parts like heart/gut /pelvis etc in the
next cycle.

So my conclusion is, it works on head and liberates it first, and the
liberated head will now lead the whole body. Count me out of the regular
gang of head and ego bashing philosophers (east and west).

Either there are no tools for liberation or everything is a tool; you can't
have some tools like heart etc excluding head/ego.

The above argument also explains my position on tantra etc: Even the weakest
person on the the earth has enough supply of the so called "kundalini" etc.
Research is fine, but there is no need to raise the supply as tantrics want
it. The problem is mismanagement of demand which is controlled by head/ego.
The way to handle them is by training the head in leadership which prompts
renunciation, thereby managing the demand.

All the best
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