SV: SV: Plight of Buddhist art

L. Suresh Kumar-LSK lskumar at SYMPATICO.CA
Thu Mar 1 04:41:26 UTC 2001


>> Mr. Oberoi's comments are, at the least,  uncalled for,
>> inappropriate, and unhelpful.

And so are the comments of RohitChopra who seconded
RohanOberoi's ideas !! Is this any exception/surprise ???

No Muslim, educated or not, intellectual or not, will
ever come out of the closet and condemn the acts of
the Taliban - the reason being, if they did condemn it,
then they are violating the teachings of Mohammed (their
prophet) and hence violating what is in koran. How could
they do it ?

It is foolish to expect the muslim community
to condemn the taliban's action to destroy statues of
gods of other religions. In the eyes of hardcore Islamists,
statues of Buddha are idols of false gods which must be
destroyed as per Mohammed's words. The talibans are just
following what is in their religion, turning their clock
back to the 7-th and 8-th century !!! This is one side to
the reality which must not be forgotten !!

Another side is all this need for assistance and that
Afghanistan is isolated and all that stuff .....

- Suresh

----- Original Message -----
From: Ravi Chaudhary <Ravi9 at HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: Plight of Buddhist art

Mr. Oberoi's comments are, at the least,  uncalled for,
inappropriate, and unhelpful.

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