looking for an article

Birgit Kellner birgit.kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Tue Jan 23 14:02:08 UTC 2001

  Dear list-members,

  I am trying to locate the foolowing article:
  B.L.Sharma, "Paksata: the motivational conditions of inference
  according to Navya-Nyaya", Darshana 21, 1966, 103-107.

  Publication data is taken from Potter's "Encyclopedia of Indian
  Philosophy", where the journal "Darshana" is listed as "Darshana
  International" (Moradabad), 1(1961)-16(1976). Nonwithstanding the
  puzzling fact that No.21 is supposed to have appeared in 1966 and
  No.16 in 1976, I tried to order the article via Germany's
  "Bibliothekenverbund". The order was returned, and I was
  informed that the article is not contained in this issue of the
  journal. [Which may also mean that the issue does not exist!]

  My question: Could anyone with access to the publication data of
  "Darshana" (or to the article in question) be so kind as to check the above data for me?

  Assistance will be greatly appreciated,

Best regards,

Birgit Kellner
Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Vienna University

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