tracing a quotation!

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at UMICH.EDU
Mon Jan 22 11:20:40 UTC 2001

Thanks, Jim, for your response.  Not only is "agniriva raaja.h" given in
quotation marks in the printed edition of Baalabodhinii, the grammatical
argument seems to suggest that -raaja.h be part of a compound with the
preceding.  That is how Jha.lkiikar tries to explain the nominative form
raaja.h, on the analogy of compounds like dharmaraaja.h.  Best,

On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, James L. Fitzgerald wrote:

> Madhav,
> Is the compound agnirivaraajah definitely a literal quotation?  I ask
> because it could be seen as  paraphrasing or otherwise referring to MBh
> 12.68.41ff., which reads, in part [regarding the king]:
> kurute paNca rUpANi kAlayuktAni yaH sadA /
> bhavaty agnis tathAdityo mRtyur vaiZravaNo yamaH // 41//
> yadA hy AsId ataH pApAn dahaty ugreNa tejasA /
> mithyopacarito rAjA tadA bhavati pAvakaH //42//
> yadA paZyati cAreNa sarvabhUtAni bhUmipaH /
> kSemaM ca kRtvA vrajati tadA bhavati bhAskaraH //43// etc
> Jim Fitzgerald

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