Tibetan names (for citation)
Stephen Hodge
Sat Jan 20 12:30:41 UTC 2001
Timothy C. Cahill wrote:
> I need to know the proper forms for citing some Tibetan authors.
> five names are below, followed in some cases by (the same?) names in
> square brackets as listed on WorldCat. (Do Tibetologists prefer
The general trend seems to be to hyphenate the individual sematic
units of Tibetan names -- at least that's what was being done in the
big Tib-Eng dictionary that is being produced at SOAS when I was
involved in it, with the root letter of the first syllable
capitalized.. Thus, for your examples (correcting the various
spelling errors) -- the second element aftrr the comma is the person's
> Sa-skya PaN chen (PaNDita) kun dga' rgyal mtshan
** Kun-dga' rGyal-mtshan, Sa-skya Pandi-ta
> sNar thang lo tsA ba dGe 'dun dpal
** dGge-'dun-dpal, sNar-thang Lo-tsa-ba
> dPang lo tsA ba Blo gros brtan pa
** bLo-gros-brtan-pa, dPang Lo-tsa-ba
> Rin-spuns-pa Nag-dban-'jig-rten-dban-phyug-grags-pa
** Ngag-dbang 'Jigs-rten-dbang-phyug-grags-pa, Rin-spungs-pa
> Si-tu Pan-chen Chos-kyi-'byun-gnas
Chos-kyi-'byun-gnas, Si-tu Pan-chen
> I have alphabetized texts by title according to the usual
traditional alphabetical order. Is the
> following order correct ?
Basically OK but I have modified slightly as follows:
sNyan-ngag me-long-gi grel-pa dByangs-can ngag-gi-rol-mtsho:
a commentary on Dandin's Kavyadarsha.
author: bsTan-'dzin Chos-kyi-nyi-ma, Khams-sprul IV (1730-1779)
[Tashijong, 1969]
> sNyan-ngag me-long-gi grel-pa Dbyangs-can rol-mtsho: a commentary on
> Dandin's Kavyadarsha.
> author: Mi-pham rGya-mtsho, 'Jam-mgon 'Ju, (1846-1912) [New Delhi:
Can't help with the rest -- and I am also not sure what you mean by
the following since I am unfamilar with what you call WorldCat -- is
it something feline :) If you want more info off-list, pls contact me
> How do the names given in the WorldCat description relate to the one
> as "author" i.e., Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho?
Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge
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