Riddles (prahElikaah) in Sanskrit

SuryaPrakash Sharma ridhi88 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Jan 4 20:43:32 UTC 2001

  SuryaPrakash Sharma <ridhi88 at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

 Dmitri. > dear friend,

 the riddle asked may be having one of the folloing meaning:- it actually reveals the humem life,saying that the morning when the men is child,he walks on four legs ie two each hands,and two legs.During afternoon when,he is a young men he walks on two legs,in evening that is , when he becomes an aged person he walks on three legs that is two his own legs and one stick.to support him while walking.I cannot give any reference because i am here at US far away from my home in "india" where all the  reference documents , mostly on vedas,yoga,and other philosophical subjects are left, >

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