EJVS 6-2
Narahari Achar
nachar at MEMPHIS.EDU
Wed Jan 3 14:30:24 UTC 2001
Dear interested readers of EJVS:
The editors of EJVS have just announced the release of the latest issue of EJVS
which contains two of my papers. Unfortunately, the second paper on nakSatras
in Rgveda has some tables which are not convenient to read because of some
formatting problems. I have reproduced below the tables after deleting all
spaces between entries hoping to make the tables more readable. I have requested
the editors to issue a correction for the same tables. Thanks for your patience.
With best wishes for the new, millenium, year,....Narahari Achar
(P. S . I am temporarily off the mailing from the list and my e-mail. I will be
back on by the end of the month.)
Tables For the nakSatras in Rgveda paper
Table 2. Variant names of nakSatras in samhita texts
nakSatra no., TS, MS, KS, AV, deity
3, mRgazIrSa, invagA, invakA, mRgazIrSa, soma
4, ArdrA, bAhu, bAhu, ArdrA, rudra
6, tiSya, tiSya, tiSya, puSya, bRhaspati
13, svAtI, niStya, niStya, svAtI, vAyu
16, rohiNI, jyeSThA, jyeSThA, jyeSThA, indra
17, vicRtau, mUla, mUla, mUla, pitR
21, zroNA, zroNA, azvattha, zravaNa, viSNu
28, apabharaNi, bharaNi, apabharaNi, bharaNyaH, yama
Table 3a. Variant deities of citrA and zatabhiSaj nakSatra .
List, TS(IV. 4. 10), TB(1.5.1), TB(3.1.1), TB(3.1.4)
12,.citrA, indra, indra, tvaSTA, tvaSTA
22,.zatabhiSaj, indra, indra, varuNa,varuNa
Table 3b. Names and deities of nakSatra #17 in different lists
List, TS(IV. 4. 10), TB(1.5.1), TB(3.1.1), TB(3.1.4)
Name, vicRtau, mUlavarhani, mUla, mUla
Deity, pitR, nirRti, nirRti,prajApati
Makoto FUSHIMI wrote:
> We are pleased to announce that ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF VEDIC STUDIES,
> vol. 6, issue 2 (Dec. 2000) has just been released.
> It contains following papers:
> 1. Kim Plofker
> How to interpret astronomical references in Vedic texts?
> 2. B. N. Narahari Achar
> Comments on "The Pleiades and the Bears viewed from inside the Vedic texts"
> 3.B. N. Narahari Achar
> Searching for nakSatras in the Rgveda
> This issue is now available on the EJVS web site.
> Elect. Journ. of Vedic Studies: http://www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs
> Makoto Fushimi
> --
> FUSHIMI, Makoto
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