INDOLOGY Digest - 7 Feb 2001 to 8 Feb 2001 (#2001-40)

Vidyasankar Sundaresan vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM
Sat Feb 10 01:10:14 UTC 2001

>cittavRtti niridham is avoiding comtemplation, because it is too tiring to
>go on using intelligence to trouble-shoot every problem that comes up. So
>why not do "meditation" which is the next one explained in 7.6.1 and get
>of the source of these stimuli? I suppose the sUtras are going as per the
>sequence in chAndogya.

Neutralizing the stimuli within one's own cognitive apparatus
is what cittav.rttinirodha is all about. One can't "get rid"
of external sources of stimuli, unless one physically destroys
the whole world.

And why suppose? Look at the sequence in chAndogya -

naama < vAc < manas < saMkalpa < citta < dhyAna < vijnAna
< bala < anna < ap < tejas < AkAza < smara < AzA < prANa.

The yogasUtra gives no hint of such a scheme. And each vidyA
in the upanishads comes with a particular context, which must
be properly understood.

Best wishes,

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