Studia Indoloczne (?)

Christian K. Wedemeyer wedemeyer at HUM.KU.DK
Sat Aug 4 08:34:37 UTC 2001

Dear Friends,

I am trying to track down an article reported to be published in a
journal (?) called "Studia Indoloczne."  The Danish Royal Library
cannot seem to find the journal, and I have not found it in either
COPAC, the Library of Congress, or MELVYL.

The article is by Jens Braarvig, "Bhavya on Mantras: Apologetic
Endeavours on Behalf of the Mahayana," and it is said to have
appeared in the journal _Studia Indoloczne_ 4 (1997), 31-39.  The
referring article is Ron Davidson's "Masquerading as PramaNa," in
_Dharmakirti's Thought and its Impact on Indian and Tibetan
Philosophy_ (Wien, 1999), fn. 18, p. 29.

Has anyone heard of "Studia Indoloczne" and/or know where I might be
able to track down a copy?

Thanks in advance,

Chr. Wedemeyer
Københavns Universitet

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