Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at UMICH.EDU
Tue Apr 17 10:41:39 UTC 2001

Dear Dominik,

        I would like to thank you for all the opportunities that were made
available through Indology.  I have benefitted enormously just by being in
communication with so many samaanadharmaa folks.  Without such
communication, we all become inward, each one locked up in our closed
environments.  I realize that your role as moderator has been at times
painful due to immoderate and intemperate language used by some on the
list.  However, let us not throw away the baby with the bath water.  I
would wholeheartedly support proposals for converting this list to a more
moderated form.  I would offer to join such a moderating committee, if
that would diminish your burden.  I hope and pray that you would
reconsider the idea of closing down Indology.

                                                Madhav Deshpande

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