Sanskrit and PIE

Fri Sep 8 00:16:48 UTC 2000

Arun Gupta wrote:

> I would have thought that the archaelogists would have sought
> estimates of dates from the various physical artifacts found --
e.g., carbon
> dating of horse bones. Apparently not !

Though not well-publicized, some material from the grave of
Tutankhamun (son of Akhenaten) was carbon-dated and the dates seem to
confirm the revised chronology.  However, those who prefer to retain
the conventional dating get out of this difficulty by claiming
(unconvincingly ?) that this material derives from the time
Tutankhamun's tomb was resealed following a break-in by grave-robbers.
It seems as though Egyptology is yet another field where evidence is
treated selectively :)

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge

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