Phillip Ernest phillip.ernest at UTORONTO.CA
Fri Oct 27 18:10:55 UTC 2000

There are only two professors here, and not many more students, who know
Sanskrit; but I may look into it just the same.  I have a terrible fear
that whenever Stella Sandahl retires, the university will not hire a
replacement, and Sanskrit will no longer be taught at this university that
once housed the largest Sanskrit department outside of India.  Maybe the
Speak Sanskrit movement can drum up some enthusiasm for the language,
particularly among Toronto's large South Asian population.


On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Claude Setzer wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phillip Ernest" <phillip.ernest at UTORONTO.CA>
> > This thread refers to something I would really like to know more about.
> > How, and to what extent, is Sanskrit used in modern India?  > > > V. V.
> Raman
> > > >
> Please see my recent post on Spoken Sanskrit movement. They are very active
> in Bangalore India at least and give regular long term classes there (months
> or years) with a lot of people living there basically permanently and
> speaking nothing but Sanskrit. They also give regular classes all over the
> US and had a one week Sanskrit Camp in California this last summer. I think
> they will be eager to put your university on there regular visit list if you
> write to Vasuvaj.
> Claude Setzer

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