Anand M. Sharan asharan at ENGR.MUN.CA
Wed Oct 18 19:41:45 UTC 2000

I have noted the two postings about the engineers here . I have read the
rules where the engineers are specially mentioned or put it in other words,
made their presence felt in the positive or negative sense, it does not
matter .

I fully respect people having interest in the literature, and this group is
meant for them . The conflict comes when these ( literature people ) go
beyond their field and start claiming things as facts, when the facts have
to be ascertained by the knowledge of other fields . For example, the date
of the Mahabharata . The knowledge of astronomy was one way to estimate
this. The  attempts were being made to estimate the date  of the Rig Veda
by the presence of the word - ayas to mean iron  , in this Veda .

The opinions of the engineers were expressed in this regard .

I hope every one ought to understand that engineers are not the bunch of
people who claim to know every thing . When it comes to their own field,
certainly they speak out .


Anand M. Sharan

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