Differences between oral and written Taittiriya Samhita

Vidyasankar Sundaresan vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Nov 22 21:09:33 UTC 2000

>I have recorded the same pandit do at least the first three of these >in
>the recitation of the same type of material recited at the same >time in
>the same context. Very specifically doing both the "as" sound >and "ah"
>echo sound at the end of a sequence, where the printed text

This is a bit confusing. Do you mean to say that the word is
sometimes recited as "namas" and sometimes with a visarga when
occuring *within* the same text-string? As far as I can notice,
this is not the case. I'm not denying that the word can be and
is recited as ~as in a certain context. Where the pronounciation
is ~as (or ~az), it is because of the next word beginning with
a sibilant or a c or t sound.

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