
Aditya, the Cheerful Hindu Skeptic a018967t at BC.SEFLIN.ORG
Thu Nov 16 14:34:44 UTC 2000

Rajesh Kochhar <rkk at NISTADS.RES.IN> has written as follows:

>Is it possible to estimate as to from among the list-members of Indian origin how many have Indian passports?
I don't know how and why is it important.

Have a peaceful and joyous day.
Aditya Mishra
Primary email: a018967t at bc.seflin.org
Primary homepage: http://www.pompano.net/~aditya
ICQ # 1131674 Phone #: (954)746-0442  Fax # (209)315-8571
Random thought of the day:
        Bored? Drive the speed limit....in your garage.

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