SamnyAsin names

Shrisha Rao shrao at NYX.NET
Mon May 1 17:22:54 UTC 2000

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, nanda chandran wrote:

> R Zydenbos writes :
> >The young Vaasudeva was named Puur.napraj;na and later
> >became Aanandatiirtha (there you have another such name ending:
> >-tiirtha); he finally gave himself the name 'Madhva'
> I think you've mixed up the Dvaita philosopher with the Advaita philosopher
> of the same name. My reference was to the latter who is supposed to have
> founded the Vijayanagar Empire and acted as its prime minister. Later he's
> said to have renounced life and had become the pontiff of the Shringeri math
> under the name, "VidhyAranya". His works include Panchadasi, Shankara dig
> Vijaya etc. He is also considered to be the uncle of MadhvAchArya of the
> Sarva Darshana Samgraha fame. Well, we've one too many Madhvas I guess!

Dr. Z hasn't confounded Madhva, a.k.a. AnandatIrtha, with Madhava, a.k.a.
Sayana, but you certainly appear to have, cf. your claim that they have
the "same name."


Shrisha Rao

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