Again, SANSKRIT broadcasts + M.Muller

Jan E.M. Houben jhouben at RULLET.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Wed Jun 28 09:03:31 UTC 2000

2500 years old hot issue: let the real braahmaNa stand up (kula or guna).
Jan E.M. Houben,
Research Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Kern Institute, Leiden University,
P.O. Box 9515, NL-2300 RA   Leiden
jhouben at RULLET.LeidenUniv.NL
-----Original Message-----
From: S Krishna <mahadevasiva at HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 3:00 AM
Subject: Re: Again, SANSKRIT broadcasts + M.Muller

>vatsalamihirapaNDitena likhyate:
>> >  Is - sharmaNya deshiyasya - a common usage in Germany ?
>>Yes, since we are all Brahmins, spoken on every street corner, and
>>even our airline is called:  Luft -haMsa... and its logo bird...!
>Just kidding.>>
>Naaaaah! "Koln" i.e. Cologne seems to have come from "Kula heena"( lacking
>caste)! So, to paraphrase Prof. Bh. Krishnamurthy's advice of a few months
>ago, pls don't MASQUERADE as a Brahmin, vatsalaamihira paNDita!:-)
>>Guess, which name I used in a temple in Andhra when the priest offered for
>What gotra did you use?
>( or should I make it Chris?)
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