Question on behalf of a non-member of the list

Lars Martin Fosse lmfosse at ONLINE.NO
Mon Jul 31 16:17:53 UTC 2000

Dear members of the list,

the following question turned up on a Norwegian list for South-Asianists (Nofsa).

>I am currently writing up my MA thesis in social anthropology, based on a
>fieldwork I did last year in Tihar Jail, New Delhi, on human rights
>education of subordinate prison staff. I am trying to locate some references
>on South Asian concepts of punishment and justice. Do you have any ideas?

Can anybody help? I will send the answers to the relevant person.

Best regards,

Lars Martin Fosse

Dr. art. Lars Martin Fosse
Haugerudvn. 76, Leil. 114,
0674 Oslo
Phone: +47 22 32 12 19
Fax 1:  +47 22 32 12 19
Fax 2:  +47 85 02 12 50 (InFax)
Email: lmfosse at

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