Prof. K.P.Jog passes away

Shrikant Bahulkar bahulkar at PN2.VSNL.NET.IN
Thu Feb 3 05:35:06 UTC 2000

Dear Indologists,

Prof. Keshav Pandurang Jog, a noted scholar of Sanskrit, passed away on
24th January, 2000 in Mumbai. He was 76.
Prof. K. P. Jog was born on 26th March 1925 at Pune. He studied at
Elphinstone College (Mumbai) under Prof. R. P. Kangle and did his Ph. D.
in Vedic studies under Prof. H. D. Velankar at Bombay University (1965),
while teaching Sanskrit and Prakrit at the undergraduate and
postgraduate levels in Khalsa College (1950-54), Kirti College (1954-61)
and Somaiya College (1961-65), all in Mubmai. Thereafter he joined
Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Poona and carried on
his teaching and research activities for  fifteen years, first as
Research Associate and then Reader (1965-80). He was appointed Professor
of Sanskrit, Deccan College (1980-83), Joint General Editor (1983-85)
and General Editor (1985-87), Sanskrit Dictionary Project of Deccan
College, Pune. He also taught Sanskrit as a contributory teacher for
several years at Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune. After his
retirement from the Deccan College, He was appointed Honorary Director,
P. V. Kane Research Institute , Asiatic Society of Bombay ( 1990-92). He
was Director of the Foundation of Cultural Courses of Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Mumbai. He was honoured by the University Grants Commission, New
Delhi, as National Lecturer (1984-85).
Prof. Jog was known for his  research in various fields of
specialization, viz. Veda, Poetics, Classical Sanskrit, Prakrit,
Vedaanta Philosophy etc. Besides he had studied deeply Marathi and
English literature. He edited Ala.nkaarama~jarii of Trimallabha.t.ta (
JASB Vols. 41-42, Bombay, 1966-67), Vimalodayamaalaa, a commentary on
the Aa;svalaayana G.rhyasuutra by Jayantabha.t.ta (CASS Publication,
Class C No. 8, Poona, 1974) and of Sundara Kavi
Naa.tyam, Dr. Harisinha Gaur University, Sagar (in press). He translated
in collaboration with his pupil Dr. Shoun Hino Sure;svara's Vaartikas in
12 Volumes out of which 10 have been published by Motialal Banarsidass,
Delhi and the remaining ones will be published in the near future.
There are 11 students who worked under his guidance and  were awarded
Ph. D. degrees. Besides, he spare no pains to offer his valuable
guidance to a number of students (including myself)  working under
different teachers, go through the drafts of their research articles and
Ph. D. theses and make valuable corrections and suggestions. He taught
the students how to think and put their thoughts in proper words. He was
an excellent friend for his colleagues as well as his students.
A Felicitation Volume in his honour was recently released in at the
function held in Pune. That was the last occasion for many of his
students and friends to meet him.( Wisdom in Indian Tradition, Prof. K.
P. Jog Fel. Vol., ed. by Shoun Hino and Lalita Deodhar, Pratibha
Prakashan, Delhi, 1999).
A condolence meeting to pay respectful homage to the late Prof. Jog was
organized by Till Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune on 2nd February, 2000 in
which representatves of various Institutes in Pune, friends and students
of Prof. Jog participated.

// na khalu sa uparato yasya vallabho janas smarati //

Shrikant Bahulkar

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