Violence in Indian historical process

Vidyasankar Sundaresan vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 15 11:32:06 UTC 2000

>No problem with that. But then please refrain from
>passing comments or judgements on others' battles.
>Yet another judgement coming from ivory towers. Mean
>actions soon after preaching great words!

1. Not all battles need to be fought on all fronts. Certainly,
   there is merit to the position that this discussion could
   be kept out of this list, especially in relation to Ayodhya.

2. Sometimes, ivory towers are useful. Educational institutions
   are often such things, by necessity. I think the inhabitants
   need to get out more, but leave them to do it in their own
   sweet time. Not much is lost in the process.

Meanwhile, an article from the newest issue of Frontline has
already been referenced -

"Temple desecration in pre-modern India," by RICHARD M. EATON
  Volume 17 - Issue 25, Dec. 9 - 22, 2000

Visit, and read it online. After
reading it, dear reader, do take a look at the letters section.
There is a minor matter to do with the now infamous horse, but
more importantly, read the letter by C. V. Narasimhan, a former
UN official, in response to an earlier article about Tibet in
the same magazine. Like it or not, there is politics everywhere,
but I wonder how many list members would find themselves nodding
their heads in agreement with Narasimhan or with the authors of
the older articles that he praises to the skies.


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