Gaya & Puri (Re: Violence in Indian historical process)

Yashwant Malaiya malaiya at CS.COLOSTATE.EDU
Fri Dec 15 01:00:07 UTC 2000

rohan.oberoi at CORNELL.EDU wrote:

>Among other themes, there are a
>number of properties currently operating as temples which are quite
>well documented to have been "looted" by Hindus from Buddhists (such
>as the Mahabodhi temple at Bodh Gaya, or the 'Jagannatha' temple at

I'm not sure what "documented" and "looted" mean here.

Mahabodhi temple certainly is Buddhist one (although it originates
from the time before Buddhists could be separated from Hindus). Present
structure was constructed by Brahmin Buddhists, as commanded by
Shiva (I think) in a dream. When Tibetan monk Dharmaswamin visited
Gaya in 1234, he found that the large Buddha idol had been walled up
to preserve it from Turkish invaders. It appears to have been abandoned
after that.

It was sometime around 1590 that the possession of the ruined temple
passed  to the Shaivite mahantas, granted by the local rulers.

The Jagannatha temple, as it is, was built as a Vaishnava temple.
Originally built by Anantavarman Chodaganga (1078 - 1148), it was rebuilt
by Ananga Bhima Deva in the year 1174. It is true that many scholars
believe that it represents continuation of the Buddhist religious
tradition. The sacred object, which is placed in a cavity of the wooden
idol of Lord Jagannatha has not been seen  in recent times, but people have
guessed it to be shaligram, a Jain idol, a piece of Lord Krishna's bone or
a Buddha's tooth.

I am not aware of any indication that either of them were forcibly
wrested from Buddhists. If there are, it would be interesting to


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