
Roland Steiner steiner at MAILER.UNI-MARBURG.DE
Tue Apr 25 13:26:25 UTC 2000

Critical Edition of the Tibetan translation of the Lokaananda with 
German translation:  
- Candragomins Lokaanandanaa.taka. Nach dem tibetischen 
Tanjur herausgegeben und übersetzt. Ein Beitrag zur indischen 
Schauspieldichtung. Von Michael Hahn. Wiesbaden: Otto 
Harrassowitz 1974 (Asiatische Forschungen. 39.).  

Bengali Translation of Hahn`s German Translation by Ratna 
Basu. Kaalakaataa 1983.

English Translation of the Tibetan Translation:  
- Joy for the World. A Buddhist Play by Candragomin. Transl. 
with an Introduction and Notes by Michael Hahn. Dharma 
Publishing 1987.  

> Was Harshadeva's Nagananda inspired by Lokananda? 
Probably yes. See
- Michael Hahn: "General Introduction", in: The Recensions of 
the Naagaananda by Har.sadeva. Vol. 1. The North Indian 
Recension. New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan 1991, pp. I-X.
- Roland Steiner: "Untersuchungen zu Har.sadevas 
Naagaananda und zum indischen Schauspiel". Swisttal-Odendorf 
1997 (Indica et Tibetica. 31.), esp. pp. 23-44 (§ 1.1.1: 
"Abhaengigkeit des Naagaananda vom Lokaananda?" 
["Dependence of Naagaananda on Lokaananda?"]; § 1.1.2: 
"Datierung des Schauspielautors Candragomin" ["Dating of the 
playwright Candragomin"]). 

> does Lokananda or Ma.nicuu.daavadaana have any episode connected
> with Malaya too?
No. The Malaya mountains are mentioned only once in act 5, 
stanza 5: 
VIDYAADHARII: "O my husband, where he has gone ...". 
VIDYAADHARA (laughing):" ... is something _you_ should be 
able to tell me!
        5. After having beheld the whole of the earth / like some 
painting viewed / from the vault of heaven / will he now journey 
/ to a peak of the Malaya Mountains, / given a fresh appearance 
/ by the splashing ocean waves, / or to one of the pleasant and 
wondrous / broad mountain terraces of Mt. Meru? / Will he 
journey to Mt. Paarijaata, / or to a peak of the Himavant / where 
the gracious and gleaming hosts / of the perfect dwell in 
happiness supreme?" (Transl. Hahn, pp. 105-6).

With kind regards,
Roland Steiner

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