Vielle Christophe vielle at ORI.UCL.AC.BE
Thu Sep 30 12:47:27 UTC 1999

>From <arjunwadkar at>
>To Vielle Christophe <vielle at ORI.UCL.AC.BE>
>Dear Friend,
>I was happy to see that my posting about NCC stimulated a new
>line of thinking -- an on-line catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. While I
>endorse your views on this subject, I must point out the confusion
>between 'a one-line' catalogue and 'an on-line' catalogue. As of
>today, my institute is miles away from Internet to think of anything
>'on-line'. However, we will think of providing on-line material if an
>adequate support is coming to pull the Institute out of the past.
Shame on me. I am definitively discredited. But, anyway, now that my bad
English orthography is made a bit better thanks to you, the idea of a
"on-line" catalogue of catalogues should be examined.
But in fact, what do you mean by "one-line"? the fact that each Mss. listed
is standarly described on "one" line (as in many Indian catalogues)?

Dr. Christophe Vielle
Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud
Institut orientaliste
Place Blaise Pascal 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
Tel. 32+10+47 49 54

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