mRcchakaTika text

Ferenc Ruzsa f_ruzsa at ISIS.ELTE.HU
Thu Sep 23 14:08:17 UTC 1999


does anybody know of an electronic text of zUdraka's mRcchakaTika? I have
access only to Kale's edition, and it has some misprints I simply cannot
rectify (especially those in the prAkRt part).
In particular, in the very first sentence of Act I, maitreya says:
...pacchidavvAiM, v.l. bhakkhidavvAI (chAyA: prekSitavyAni / bhakSitavyAni).
The language is supposed to be zaurasenI.
Any help would be appreciated

Ferenc Ruzsa
assistant professor of philosophy
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
e-mail: f_ruzsa at

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