Rakhigarhi / Cholistan

S.Kalyanaraman kalyan99 at NETSCAPE.NET
Wed Sep 22 17:07:06 UTC 1999

Michael Witzel <witzel at FAS.HARVARD.EDU> wrote:
> Sorry, choa ( = coA )  is from Skt. cyota 'oozing, sprinkling'   (from
cyut)> and is not connected with choli  (coli/ colii).
> There is no way to explain the -l- that way. (Turner, CDIAL 4947)

The detailed rejoinder with reference to Santali and Gujarati lexemes (chol.,
jhol)and also in reference to Mr. Ganesan's notes on Bhava_ni is posted at the
URL (Message #77: Chol. and Bhiwani):



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