Rakhigarhi / Cholistan

C.R. (Selva) Selvakumar selvakum at VALLUVAR.UWATERLOO.CA
Wed Sep 22 20:45:53 UTC 1999

Michael Witzel wrote:

> Sorry, choa ( = coA )  is from Skt. cyota 'oozing, sprinkling'   (from
> cyut)
> and is not connected with choli  (coli/ colii).
> There is no way to explain the -l- that way. (Turner, CDIAL 4947)

  Does the skt cyut have any cognates in IE or Indo-Iranian ?  I looked
at CDIAL 4947, and it appears like a Dravidian word
  to me. The Tamil words coTTu (= water or any liquid drop, verb to
drip, dripping),
  cori (= drip, trickling down), coLLU = (drip, trickling down)
   (joLLu referred to by S. K. Chatterjee
  in his work on the origin and development of Bengali language) etc.
seem to
  be connected with skt. cyut.   Another Tamil word to be considered
  along with the entry(4948) in CDIAL is cunai (= mountain spring).

> Skt. kUla Rgveda 8.47.11 ' gradient, river bank',  has no good
> etymology
> (according to Mayrhofer, EWA at least);
> However, Skt.  kulyA (kuliya)  RV 3.45.3, 5.83.8 , 10.43.7  'rivulet,
> channel'   belongs to a different root (kul :: kUl)  and also has no
> clear
> etymology; some IE cognates have been proposed (in Lithuanian).
> Turner CDIAL 3352 has Drav origin.

      Quite possibly 3352 is of Dravidian origin.

> The Tamil and Rgvedic words look similar enough to suppose early
> loans/adaptations. But they do not help at all in the case of
> Choli-stan.
> MW.


> =
> ========================================================================
> Michael Witzel                          Elect. Journ. of Vedic Studies
> Harvard University                  www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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> my direct line (also for messages) :  617- 496 2990
> home page:     www.fas.harvard.edu/~witzel/mwpage.htm

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