Tibet Journal

Jan Filipsky filipsky at SITE.CAS.CZ
Fri Sep 17 12:07:31 UTC 1999

Dear Indology Members,
our discussion group has once again manifested its worth as a scholarly
body committed to fostering knowledge and assisting each other.
The article I solicited on behalf of Prof. J. Kolmas is already on its way
to Praha and it only remains to me to express my and Dr. Kolmas' gratitude
for your prompt help.
Gratefully Yours J.F.

Jan Filipsky, PhD.
Oriental Institute
Pod vodarenskou vezi 4, 182 08 Praha 8
The Czech Republic
phone ++4202/6605 3729

home: U Pentlovky 466/7, 181 00 Praha 8
phone ++4202/855 74 53

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