Posting of computer, transliteration and font etc. questions to Indology

Harry Spier harryspier at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 16 22:07:23 UTC 1999

Brian Akers wrote:
...maybe a separate forum, perhaps called _Indological
>Publishing_ would be in order? It could deal with all facets of the
>1) Computers: fonts, keyboard layouts, operating systems, transliteration
>standards, etc.
>2) Sources: locating critical (and other) editions, locating previous
>translations, resolving copyright questions, etc.
>3) Translations: requesting and receiving help with difficult passages,
>4) Other: perhaps also a meeting place for translators, authors,
>editors, etc.
>Excluded would be all topics extraneous to preparing and publishing
>Indological works.
>That's my two cents for now.

Dear Brian:

My idea was not to set up a different list from Indology but to come up with
a way to have detailed technical discussions on the above topics without
clogging up Indology's bandwidth and still letting the list members know
that a particular topic was being discussed.  Thus I thought that a method
would be to (if enough members are interested) to set up an auxilary chat
room almost like an on-line help line.  So if I'm having say some strange
problem with my sanskrit text being garbled by software xyz or font abc
isn't working etc. I post a short simple message on Indology like "Having
problem with software please see details on Indology-computer-problem chat
room" and then anybody interested could respond or monitor and if there was
general interest a summary of solution could be posted to Indology.


Harry Spier

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