Tamil Heritage

nanda chandran vpcnk at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 15 18:16:33 UTC 1999

George Hart "The Ancient Tamil Poems: their milieu and their Sanskrit
counterparts": page 118-119:

>"...This shows how the indigenous customs spread to into Indo-Aryan
> >culture:before a group was assimilated, Brhamins would come into it >and
>adopt those values most admired by that group in order to gain >respect."

"This shows"? What shows? Without that information the whole passage
becomes meaningless!

>Today, an ideal of chastity not too different from the early Tamil one
>pervades virtually all of India, being perceptibly stronger than it was in
>medieval India....[deleted]

What's the evidence to prove that it's stronger today that it was
in medieval India? Without that information and its certification, again the
whole argument is suspect.

>So the very foundation of Valmiki Ramayanam itself, moral and epic,  >is

This claim would again involve proof whether there's any pre-Ramayanam
Tamil literature.

If you want to make a meaningful argument please do not quote (at least in
bits) from secondary authors. If you'd produced arguments to show that
Ramayanam is later than Tamil literature which value chastity and also show
that there's no pre Ramayanam literature which didn't value chastity, then
the argument will be more effective.

And note that (if I remember right) Thiruvalluvar himself chides brAhmanas
against being too restrictive with their women, which indirectly reflects
the Arya worldview with respect to chastity.

But again, if both are but one people, there's no question of who did what

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