Aryan invasion debate

Bharat Gupt abhinav at DEL3.VSNL.NET.IN
Sun Sep 5 14:34:30 UTC 1999

Vidyasankar Sundaresan wrote:

> It might help all sides of this debate to keep some basic scientific facts
> in mind here. The timescales for the theories of Aryan homeland vs. humans
> coming out of Africa are different by orders of magnitude. The theory that
> humans evolved first in Africa couldn't care less about whether Aryans came
> into India or whether they came out of India.>
> Vidyasankar

I am glad this has been pointed out. The difference in time scale is so obvious
that I was convinced that Samar Abbas was actually joking as he seems to be also in
comparing the present day caste struggle to the ancient arya-dravida (anaasaah) conflict
by taking the hard AIT argument to their in India to the utterl logical conclusion like
arguments  at  the racist-fascist sites of which gave the URL's in his postings.

Bharat Gupt

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