Aryan invasion debate

Narayan S. Raja raja at IFA.HAWAII.EDU
Sun Sep 5 09:08:13 UTC 1999

On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Samar Abbas wrote:

> - Why is Murungu (East African God) worshipped in South India ?

Because we are Catholic.   :-)

>   Why is the boomerang used by Australoid, Sudroid and Africoid Negroes

Because it comes back.

> - Why are Rhinos, python, elephants found in both Africa and South India ?

The elephants were fleeing
southwards from the cold North
(I presume you know about the
famous frozen Mammoths found
in Siberia).   :-)

>   If animals could come and go from Africa to India, why not humans ?

Visa problems.

Best regards,

Narayan Sriranga Raja.

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