Aryan invasion debate

Vidyasankar Sundaresan vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM
Sat Sep 4 18:16:37 UTC 1999

>- Out of Africa : Molecular genetics has almost conclusively proven that
>   all humans came out of Africa. The regional evolution models have been
>   discarded, even by Rushton et al. This must be disproven by the AIT
>   skeptics, for it automatically implies large-scale migrations across
>   continents, and implies an African home for Aryans.

It might help all sides of this debate to keep some basic scientific facts
in mind here. The timescales for the theories of Aryan homeland vs. humans
coming out of Africa are different by orders of magnitude. The theory that
humans evolved first in Africa couldn't care less about whether Aryans came
into India or whether they came out of India. As it stands, the theory of
where and when humans first evolved supports neither hard AIT nor hard OIT.
Those who take great pride in their own disciplines should treat other
academic disciplines with respect.


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