2 Urdu books : apologies and explanation

Allen W Thrasher athr at LOC.GOV
Thu Sep 2 18:43:17 UTC 1999

My apologies for sending a personal message or two about the Urdu
books offered to the list.

I should emphasize that these titles are also supplied in the LC
cooperative acquisitions program but that the extra copies offered
came to Washington by another route, being given by relatives of
people involved in the publication.  Could any librarians concerned
about the titles please communicate to me and not to the list?



Allen W. Thrasher, Ph.D.
Senior Reference Librarian
Southern Asia Section
Asian Division
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20540-4810
tel. 202-707-3732
fax 202-707-1724
email: athr at loc.gov

The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the
Library of Congress.

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