Sanskrit-Tibetan Textual Work
selwyn at DTN.NTL.COM
Wed Oct 27 18:20:46 UTC 1999
At the IABS conference in Lausanne this Summer I met Yoshiyasu
Yonezawa. He told me he had had access to some of the Sanskrit
manuscripts in China/Tibet.
<fontfamily><param>Geneva</param>In the abstract for his paper he
"Most of Sanskrit palm-leaf manuscripts at Zhalu monastery were
transferred to the China Library of the Na-tionalities at Beijing and
recently returned to Tibet. (Some of them are currently deposited at
the Nor bu gling ga Palace in Lhasa.) A cooperative project of the
Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism at Taisho University
with the China Library of Nationalities enabled me to access to the
Sanskrit manuscripts transcribed in Tibetan dbu med. The project has
been bearing fruit as a series of achievements, i.e., the publications
of facsimile editions of the Shraavakabhuumi", the
Amoghapaashakalparaaja, and the Abhisamaacaarika-dharma. I would like
to inform that the next publication will be "A Collection of Sanskrit
Palm-leaf Manuscripts Transcribed in the Tibetan dBu-med" in which the
material mentioned above is also
</smaller></smaller></fontfamily>But this may already be known to you.
<excerpt>>Yes, I have also heard these rumours from a number of
scholars (e.g. Anne
>Macdonnald, who currently does text-critical work on the
>During the cultural revolution, the Chinese brought a large amount of
>Tibetan mss from Tibet to Beijing.
Birgit, there is a rumor that Steinkellner, along with some of his
students/colleagues, had been granted some access to the Chinese Skt.
materials - or at least that there was supposed to be some
connection. Can you confirm any of this? Or set the record straight?
Dan Lusthaus
L.S.Cousins at or selwyn at
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