Age of the Veda ...

Ulrike Niklas sasun at NUS.EDU.SG
Tue Nov 30 08:14:29 UTC 1999

Sorry for this very naive question.
Going through some of the good old "Histories of Indian Literature", I feel
that - due to other works I undertook for the last several years - I have
fully lost track of what is going on in Veda-research. Instead of starting
on a very difficult search through Journals (which for the most part we
might not yet have here, since our programme is absolutely new and thus the
University library not yet really stocked for it...) I just put the question
to this list: how are the oldest parts of Vedic literature dated nowadays?

Dr. Ulrike Niklas, Asst.Prof.
South Asian Studies Programme
National University of Singapore
10, Kent Ridge Crescent
Phone: (++65) 874 8474
email: sasun at

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