Sanskrit textbooks correction

Wed Nov 24 13:08:11 UTC 1999

Dear Indology Members:

I just wanted to post the full bibliographic references for the text-
books I mentioned, and correct a typo I made in the title of Goldman's

1)  Devavaan.iipraves'ikaa by Robert and Sally S. Goldman. Berkeley:
University of California, Center for South Asia Studies, 1999 (3rd
edition). (with 4 cassettes)

2)  Sam.skr.tasubodhinii by Madhav Deshpande. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan, Center for South and Southeast Easian Studies, 1997.

3) The Sanskrit Language: An Introductory Reader and Grammar by Walter
H. Maurer. Surrey: Curzon Press, 1995.

4) Sanskrit: An Easy Introduction to an Enchanting Language by Ashok
Aklujkar. Vancouver: Department of Asian Studies, University of British
Columbia, 1992. (with 5 cassettes)

Hope this helps,

Lynken Ghose
McGill University

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