"Top Five" Philosophy Works

birgit kellner birgit.kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Sat Nov 20 02:14:03 UTC 1999

Burt Thorp wrote:

> Implicit in Panini (and sometimes explicit in his school) is a philosophy
> and a logic that predates Wittgenstein and modern linguistic philosophy, or
> so one could argue.  My former teacher, Hartmut Scharfe, used to teach
> Panini as part of his undergraduate course on Indian Philosophy at UCLA.
> At 07:47 PM 11/19/1999 -0000, you wrote:
> >> Panini's Grammar.
> >
> >You mean the twentieth century reincarnation ?
> >
> >Best wishes,
> >Stephen Hodge

I believe Stephen Hodge's question targeted Panini's date, and not the value of
his contribution to philosophy - Panini is not a 20th century philosopher, and
the list that prompted this exchange referred specifically to philosophical
works of the 20th century.


Birgit Kellner
Institut fuer Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde / Universitaet Wien
Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies / Vienna University

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