Nyaaya dictionary

birgit kellner birgit.kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Thu Nov 18 13:51:17 UTC 1999

Anna-Pya Sjödin wrote:

> Dear List Members,
> I have heard about a scholar who is supposed to be working on a dictionary
> of nyaaya or navya-nyaaya terms. (I think it was someone in Vienna.) If
> anybody has knowledge of whom it is conducting this work I would be very
> glad to receive his or her e-mail address.
> Thanks for any help
> Anna-Pya Sjodin

I suppose you are referring to the "Terminologie der fruehen philosophischen
Scholastik in Indien", of which two volumes have appeared so far, published by
the "Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften".

The project is conducted by Gerhard Oberhammer, Ernst Prets and Joachim
Prandstetter. For further information you could perhaps contact Ernst Prets
(Ernst.Prets at oeaw.ac.at).


Birgit Kellner
Institut f. Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde / Institute for Tibetan and
Buddhist Studies
Universitaet Wien / Vienna University

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