Digital Texts: Tagging

Mahoney, Richard B rbm49 at STUDENT.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ
Tue Nov 16 04:40:37 UTC 1999

Dear Readers

Over the last week or so I've been fumbling with the processes of a couple
of Textual Analysis programmes: "TACT" and "Lexa".  From what I can gather
so far it seems that it is probably worth persevering.

What is clear though is that neither programme is going to make up for my
ignorance - much as I'd like them to.  Before I can do anything, I'm going
to have to "tag" or "mark-up" a digital text.  Here I'm in need of

I've read that Sidney Greenbaum has developed a tagging system for modern
English grammar for University College, London.  What I would like to
have access to - if such a thing exists - is a similar scheme for
Classical Sanskrit and Tibetan.

Have any readers been over this ground before?  And if so, would any be so
good as to give me some much needed advice?

Regards  Richard Mahoney

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