HastAmalaka etc.

Balaji Hebbar bhebbar at EROLS.COM
Sat May 29 15:18:51 UTC 1999

Mr Sundaresan:

Thanks  for  the  info  and  clarification.  However,  it  is  important
to  point  out  that  HastAmalaka  did  NOT  establish  the  current
UDupi  KRShNa.  That  idol  was  miraculously  obtained  by  Madhva  and
consecrated  by  him  in  1278  CE.  The  idol  of  UDupi  KRShNa  bears
a  rope  and  churning  rod,  while  the  VeNugopAla  idol  established
by  HastAmalaka  earlier  in  another  area  of  UDupi  bears  a  flute.
This  VeNugopAla  idol  is  today  merely  kept  in  the  northeast
corner  of  the  sanctum  of  the  UDupi  KRShNa  shrine.  Please  do
not  confuse  the  two  KRShNa  idols.


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