Original Sanskrit names

Balaji Hebbar bhebbar at EROLS.COM
Thu May 27 15:03:33 UTC 1999

Would  any  knowledgable  Indologist  post  the  original  Sanskrit
names  for  at  least  the  major  cities  in  the  northern  part  of
the  sub-continent  whose  names  have  become  corrupted  over  time.
Let  me  give  you  a  few  examples.

1.  Peshawar    =  PuruShapura
2.  Multan      =  MUlasthAna
3.  Lucknow     =  LakShaNapuri
4.  Allahabad   =  MahAprayAga
5.  Jullundher  =  Jalandhara  (demon  husband  of  VRndA  in  the
SkAnda  PurANa)

Many  thanks  in  advance.

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