The final visarga

Balaji Hebbar bhebbar at EROLS.COM
Thu May 27 14:54:41 UTC 1999

Mr. Srini  Pichumani  wrote:
>This feature can be observed in the Vedic recitation of the Nambudiris
>too... whether the visarga occurs after a short or long vowel,  there >is no extra vowel attached to the "H".   You can listen to several >examples on the recording "The Four Vedas" made by Prof.Staal for Asch >Records (1968)..

Dear  Mr. Pichumani:

Do  you  think  the  Sinhalas  may  have  got  this  pronunciation  from
the  Keralite  brahmins  since  the  two  are  in  such  close
proximity?  or  is  it  vice-versa?  If  you  have  any  insights  into
this  please  let  us  know.


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