Karnataka, Kannada

N. Ganesan naga_ganesan at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed May 19 13:11:47 UTC 1999

KarnATaka has a region, malenAD which is cognate to ta. malainADu.
It appears ancient Dravidian has "mountain" as one of
the meanings of "kal". Consider

1) "ten2 kumari vaTa perum kal" - puRam 17.1 (Sangam text)
   South Kanyakumari and North big mountain (ie., Himalayas)

2) "kalliTaip piRantu pOntu kaTaliTaik kalanta nIttam"
                                    - Kavichakravarti Kambar
    River Sarayu being born in the Himalayas and flowing
    eventually into the Sea is described. Here too, "kal" = mountain.

Ka. kannADu (ta. kan2n2ATu) will be equivalent to ka. malenAD.

Also, see puRanAn2URu 60.7-8
"kazi uppu mukantu kan2n2ATu maTukkum Araic cakaTu"
`Carts carrying salt from salt pans on the sea shore to
the mountainous country'
Here, explicitly "kan2n2ATu" (=kal+nATu) is referring to
a hilly country.

N. Ganesan

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