VMS Conference

Balaji Hebbar bhebbar at EROLS.COM
Wed May 12 17:35:18 UTC 1999

The  VISHVA  MADHVA  SANGHA  will  hold  its  annual  conference  at
The Bharathiya Temple  6850 N.Adams Road, Troy, MI-48098  on  the  29th
and  30th  of  May, 1999.

HIGHLIGHTS  of  Conference:

1.  Possible  visit  of  His  Holiness  Sugunendra  TIrtha,  30th
Pontiff  of  the  Puttige  MaTha  of  UDupi,  Jagadguru  MadhvAcArya
SamathAna.  Grand  Pontifical  PUja  to  the  presiding  deity  of  the
Puttige  MaTha  (Upendra-ViTThala)  given  to  the  first  pontiff  of
the  MaTha  by  Madhva  himself.  All  doctrinal  issues  with  regard
to  Dvaita  VedAnta  can  be  clarified  with  the  pontiff.

2.  VidyabhUsana  music  concert  of  songs  composed  by  the

3.  Talk  by  B.N.Hebbar  "On  the  Substance-Attribute  relationship
in  VishiShTAdvaita  and  Dvaita  VedAntas  and  the  historical
debates  on  the  issue  between  the  two  schools"

FREE  ADMISSION  but  Register  with  me  by  e-mail,  if  you  wish  to
attend.  bhebbar at erols.com

Director  of  Education
Vishva  Madhva  Sangha

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